You can now send your friends...


You can now send your friends a vagina made from creme egg flavoured fudge

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:54 26 Mar 2019

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If you asked people from Thirty years ago what the year 2019 might look like, they may have said flying cars, holograms walking the street...human like robots, stuff like that.

But they would've been dead wrong!

Because in 2019 we have fudge vaginas (or fudge vulva's if we were to be anatomically correct).

It's called Fudgeina and it gives you he chance to send fudge lady parts to anyone, anywhere, either anonymously or with a note.

The idea was started in December 2018 by Matt Garbutt, who told ‘The internet is full of services to send your friends (or enemies) dicks, poop or potatoes; but I couldn’t find a way to send a vagina, so I thought why not start it myself.

While searching for what I could make the vaginas out of I stumbled upon fudge, and then the name really made itself. ‘The fudge is made by our artisan fudge maker, and then hand poured into our one of a kind mould.''

Image: Fudgeina

The fudge is completely vegan and comes in strawberry or vanilla flavours, with a special Easter creme egg flavour for easter.

There’s also a solid chocolate one if you don’t fancy fudge.

They all cost £11.99 (€14) and are currently only available online.

Everything is made in the UK but they ship worldwide so you can send it to anyone across the world, if you should feel the need to do so.

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