Reckon any of these words need a comeback?

Nicompoop, sozzled and bonk are among a list of words which could become extinct within a generation.
According to a new survey of 18 to 30-year-olds, trollop, and boogie are also on the way out.
The new research shows that getting sozzled and having a boogie with a pair of old trollops would mean absolutely nothing to today's young people. They are among the words that could die out in the next ten years.
According to the study by data group Prospectus Global, 40% of 18-30 year olds don't know what sozzled, a euphemism for drunk, means. Meanwhile, 37% claim to be confused by the word wally.
Other words that are causing confusion among millenials and gen z-ers are balderdash, betrothed and bounder.