Does it make us feel fancier maybe?
Some studies we come across find really important statistics - others maybe just some quirky facts.
This one particular study probably doesn't fall under the "most important" category but it is still interesting.
And we have our own theories on the back of it.
A new study has decided to delve into the relationship between two of our senses - our taste and hearing.
And it focused mainly on wine tasting.

It found that listening to classical music makes wine taste better.
We can't help thinking it's because wine can feel fancy sometimes - and so does classical music.
Participants were asked to taste and rate wine in six different scenarios, with one glass being tried without music.
Head researcher Susan Lin says the study found music universally improved perception of taste when compared with silence.
Music must be quite powerful then?

The Daily Mail reports the study revealed more exciting a piece of music, the more exciting drinkers find what is in their glass.
While on the other hand, wine enthusiasts should avoid having their favourite drink in silence if they want to get the best out of it.
If you're drinking champagne, for example, the study found that playing music while sipping makes it taste fruitier, bubblier and more complex.
For this finding, the participants were given 5 glasses of champagne - not knowing that they were in fact all the same.
Susan Lin then played 4 different pieces of classical music for each glass, and they drank one glass in silence.
And she found that music improved perception of taste when compared with silence.
70 out of 71 of the participants actually thought they were tasting five different wines.