Might be a stretch...
We all know that we're supposed to get our 'five a day' - that is five portions of fruit and veg per day.
While people could easily argue what exactly a 'portion' is, the rest of the advice is pretty straight forward.
But apparently, that hasn't stopped some young people cheating the rules a bit.
We're talking about a smal percentage of young people who think wine is part of their five a day.

A study by Bassetts Vitamins on healthy eating and habits found that 22% of younger people believe wine counts.
That's compared to one in 10 of all adults, who also cited a fruity cocktail such as a daiquiri or mojito, as part of their recommended intake.
It also found that young adults make up three excuses a day to avoid something healthy.
One in five regularly start and stop taking vitamins, with the top reasons being they forget or find them boring.
The survey explored how good people are at keeping to their healthy lifestyle regime.
A poll of 2,000 adults found 50% said they spend more time coming up with the excuses than how long the task would actually take.
With some citing the ridiculous excuse we joke about that we're "washing our hair".
Many of us use cleaning as an excuse not to exercise or being too busy at work.
While we do use excuses from time to time, it's not without guilt for many.
39 per cent said they were left feeling disappointed, anxious or sad after giving an excuse to avoid doing something healthy.
And as we thought, it's always easier to commit to exercise or healthy living if you've a friend with you.
57 per cent said they were more inclined to be healthy if someone else was along for the ride.