We'd like to think most people have a sense of humour, but is this too far?

One guest has refused to attend a wedding after the invite came with an information card, that was quite frankly rude af.
Posting on Reddit, the user @SacredNapkin, who's a cousin to one of the bride posted a photo of the card with the caption; 'My cousin sent this along with her wedding invitations… I will not be in attendance.'
The image speaks for itself, a leaflet of information for wedding guests laced with expletives and downright bad manners.
Under 'Dietry Requirements' is written "Eat what you're given you fat f**k".
Meanwhile under 'Children', guests are told to "leave your little sh*t at home, we want to get f**ked up".
Hilariously though, the only polite part of the card is where the bride and groom ask for money!
"If you wanted to give us a wedding gift, a contribution to our honeymoon would be perfect"
Not sure the rest of the card would make us want to dig deep into our pockets to be honest.
There have been mixed reactions on Reddit: