You can now get paid up to €40...


You can now get paid up to €40k to work with wallabies on an Island off Dublin

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:18 26 Jan 2022

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Dream job alert

Image via Pixabay

If you're longing for a bit of escapism in the new year, this could be exactly the type of opportunity you've been hoping for.

An Island off the coast of Dublin is hiring - and you could be paid up to €40,000 to be working among wallabies, sheep and other humans too!

Lambay Island is looking for a full-time, residential estate manager to lead small island staff team.

You'd be responsible for looking after the farm on the island, as well as hospitality, maintenance, logistics and a few other bits.

A massive perk of the job is that it comes rent-free; with fuel and WiFi also part of the deal. Your groceries get delivered by boat every week too.

Lambay lies 3 miles off-shore and applicants are told they must be resilient and have exceptional integrity.

Send your CVs and references to [email protected] if that sounds like a bit of you!

If you're more suited to looking after sheep, they also have an opening for a shepherd.

You'd  be looking after a flock of "300 Lleyn ewes"!

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