How many did you know of?

Have ya opened a bank account recently? Served on a jury? Maybe played some sport in college?
They're just some of the things women couldn't do in the 1960s in the USA.
A full list of them has been going viral. Tumblr user, Braulle Cortex, put together a list of 12 things that women in the United States could not do until the late 1970's and early 80's.
- Open a bank account or get a credit card without her father or husband's signed permission.
- Serve on a Jury because it might inconvenience the family not to have the woman at home.
- Obtain any form of birth control without her husband's permission, You also had to be married, and your husband had to agree to postpone having children.
- Get an Ivy League education. Ivy League schools were college for men only until the 1970s and 80's
- Experience equality in the workplace. A report published in 1963 revealed that women earned 59 cents for every dollar a man earned and were excluded from more lucrative professional positions.
- A woman was not allowed to keep her job if she was pregnant. This was until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978.
- Refuse to have sex with her husband. It wasn't until 1993 that marital rape became criminalised in all 50 states in the US.
- Get a divorce with some degree of ease. In 1969 the No-Fault Divorce law was put in place, but before this law was in place, spouses had to show the other party's faults and could easily be overturned.
- Have a legal abortion in most states.
- Take legal action against workplace sexual harassment. The first time a court recognised office sexual harassment was in 1977.
- Play college sports
- Apply for men's jobs. Up until 1973, women could not apply for higher-paying jobs open to men only. The newspaper even had separate job listings for men and women, and the same job listing would indicate a lower wage for a female worker.
The post was flooded with comments, with many stating that the fight for female rights is anywhere but over. One user saying "And the fight is not over. Despite what many here and elsewhere think".
A second commented:
"My boomer mother remembers being blatantly paid less in her male-dominated field JUST for being a woman. They didn't even try to hide it."
Another added:
"My mother has told me stories about not being permitted to wear trousers while studying for her MBA in the '70s. Skirt suits only, ladies!'.