"I start making lists for Valentine's Day 11 months beforehand."

Valentines is the most romantic day of the year.
But while most of us might expect a box of chocolates or a card to acknowledge the day, one woman has made a lot more demands.
22-year-old Chantal Blakey loves Valentines so much that she makes sure her partner spoils her with only the best. The lady from Blackpool puts together a wish list of gifts that adds up to £2,500 (€3,005) and makes the celebrations last a full week.
She even admitted to dumping previous boyfriends for not buying her the gifts she wanted.
Speaking to The Sun Chantal said :
"When I was 13 I was dating a boy called Jack*. I was so excited for my first Valentine's Day, so when he gave me some fake flowers I was devastated.
"Aged 17, my boyfriend Tom* told me he was taking me out for dinner, then pulled up at a KFC.
"I couldn't understand why he thought KFC was romantic.
"He said he'd got a voucher for a free meal. I ended it over chicken wings.
"Then I dated Brad. He made an effort to take me out for a lovely meal and gave me flowers.
"But the next day I looked at the chocolates he'd given me and they were out of date. He'd bought them from the reduced rack.
"I had no choice but to end it."
Chantal said:
"I start making lists for Valentine's Day 11 months beforehand. It's so important that it goes exactly right.
"This year my list tops £2,500 ($3,200). A big trend now is 'flower bombing'. You get multiple bouquets of all different types sent throughout the day so your desk is 'bombed' with flowers.
"My list details the whole day and starts with rose petals on the bed and flowers when I wake up.
"I always want breakfast in bed - last year he made my favourite, pancakes with bacon and syrup.
"I always want a Valentine's card in the morning and it has to have a long message in it.
"If it just says, 'To Chantal, love Joe', then I'd make him rewrite it."
Chantal continued to say:
"On the lead-up to the day I like to be taken out for romantic dinners. But on the day I want a three-course meal prepared by him.
"Last year he followed my gift list to the letter and I opened a £400 pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, sexy lingerie, a £350 dress, £200 earrings, champagne, make-up, designer bath products and perfume.
"He booked a luxury meal and treated me to a five-star hotel spa weekend.
"He even arranged to have a fresh flower wall for us to have pictures taken in front of.
"I know people think I'm over the top but it's important to me."
If your wondering what she gets her fiancé in return, Chantel said:
"I do get him gifts. I've bought him a designer shirt and a watch, but I think the emphasis is on the woman to get spoilt."