Woman gives birth to second tw...


Woman gives birth to second twin 11 weeks after the first

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:29 19 Aug 2019

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Note these are not the actual twins.

The odds of this happening have been placed at 50 million to one.

A new mum in Kazakhstan has endured an incredible birth after she gave birth to her twins 11 weeks apart, reports

Liliya Konovalova, from Uralsk, had a premature girl on May 24th, however her son was only born on August 9th.

The odds of this incredible birth have been placed at 50 million to one by the Kazakh Health Ministry and it's the first recorded birth of this nature in the country.

The amazing births were only able to occur because Liliya has a double uterus (uterus didelphys)  - a rare abnormality that occurred when she was in her own mother's womb, doctors said.

This means each of Liliya's twins developed in their own womb.

Thankfully both siblings are doing well and Liliya is preparing to take them home. The proud mother described the births as a 'miracle' and praised the work of medical staff.

She said: "I was shocked when I found out that I had such a condition. I was so worried about the life of my premature baby.

"But our doctors were great. What they did was a miracle. They showed themselves to be real professionals."

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