This man's Pancake Day filling...


This man's Pancake Day filling has grossed out the entire internet

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:53 5 Mar 2019

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Today is the one day a year when we can completely pig out on the delicious fluffy pieces of heaven known as pancakes without any guilt or remorse whatsoever.

Pancake Tuesday is a day for celebrating all things pancake related.

However, one man has somehow found a way to disgust the entire internet with his choice of pancake filling.

We all know the traditional pancake ingredients... we're talking maple syrup, lemon and sugar maybe a few blueberries or strawberries.

Many people opt for savoury options too, meats and cheeses stuff like that, and that's fine! Each to their own

But sport commentator Ian Abrahams, known as Moose, has taken things a step too far shared a photo of his annual Pancake on Twitter.

His filling of choice? Tuna...

Understandably people were disgusted by his unusual filling and were quick to comment.

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