This heart warming love story...


This heart warming love story from Reddit will make your day

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:46 4 Mar 2019

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Two best friends, a sperm donor and a 12-year secret crush...this has rom-com written all over it.

By now you're probably fully aware of how strange the internet can be.

Stories you would never dream could happen in reality regularly find their way onto the world wide web, and the one you're about to read is a feel good love story for the ages.

Last week, a confused Reddit user by the name of buggybabybumperboats took to the Relationship advice subreddit section to share his troubles.

"My [32 M] best friend asked if I would be her [30 F] sperm donor for her surrogate and I am in love with her but she has no idea," he began.

Okay, you've got our attention...

He went on to give a quick back story of their friendship.

In short:

  • They'd been friends since University.
  • They shifted once years ago.
  • But he had put it down to drunkenness and never imagined she felt the same way he did. 

Back to the main story.

He continued: "She got ovarian cancer that was stage three a few years back and survived and has been in remission however she had to have a complete hysterectomy."

He then goes on to say that because of her hysterectomy she is considering using a surrogate to have a baby and has asked him to be a sperm donor.

But there's just one problem...

"I am in love with her and I have been for years but she has no idea. I know at one point she had feelings for me but I was seeing someone then and out of respect for my girlfriend at the time she never acted on it.

"I feel like before I give her an answer, which will be yes, I should tell her how I feel." 

One thing the man makes clear is that no matter what her answer is, he wants to help her become a mother.

"I want to make her dream of motherhood come true and I am honestly touched she thinks so highly of me she wants me to be the father.

"Regardless of how she feels, I will still donate and If she doesn’t still feel the same way I will love her as my best friend." 

Tell her!

Naturally a helpful army of Reddit user's were quick to respond to the man.

The general consensus? He should tell her how he feels, and as soon as possible.

And clearly he listened, because just 24 hours later, he was back on Reddit with part two of the story, and it's like something straight from a romantic comedy.

"She started crying''

Here's how his big confession went down. He organised to meet her for brunch and after pulling together all the courage he had, he told her how he felt.

"Her face turned white then a myriad of expressions came over her face then she started laughing till tears came down her face," he wrote.

"I honestly was stunned, my stomach was in my throat and I honestly thought that almost 12 years of friendship were down the toilet." 

But, just as he was giving up hope...

"She started crying, sobbing really and she lightly hit my chest. She half laughed and sobbed that she was in love with me too but she thought that it would also impede the friendship we had and she wanted nothing to screw up what we have."

"We hugged and I told her that there is no one on this earth I would want to have a child with but her.

"We talked for hours, in fact, I just got home. We have decided that we want to focus on us for now. I want us to be at that point that we can do it together."

"I know that this isn’t a rom-com, and that things could end up not working out for us in the end.

"However, I am pretty sure if there are such things as soulmates she is mine." 

We're not crying, you're crying.

Best of luck to you Reddit lovers, give us a shout if you need help with baby names!

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