This could be a very handy one for parents looking to tackle tantrums!

Mathematicians say they have created a formula to help prevent kids throwing tantrums on long car journeys.
Researchers at Nottingham Trent University have found that the chances of a tantrum are reduced when a child is entertained, while a snack can help to delay a meltdown by 15 minutes.
Dr. James Hind has come up with the formula T=70 + 5E +15F - 10S, meaning that the length of time the average child will take to throw a tantrum is 70 minutes, but every minute a child is entertained reduces the chances of it happening, while food can help to keep them calm for 15 minutes longer.
Meanwhile if they have some of their siblings in the car, that is likely to push forward a meltdown by ten minutes.
The research is based on responses by 2,000 parents.