We DEFINITELY need to up our salad game...
A US study of 2 thousand people has found that the average person eats four salads a week.
Respondents said salads need to have an average of three toppings.
While 69 percent stated no salad is complete without toppings.
And, as expected, 65 percent said they can’t have a salad without dressing.

Iceberg wins as the best salad base for 31 per cent of respondents - while other popular additions include croutons and eggs.
According to studyfinds.org, most people think the ultimate salad should be chopped and tossed with dressing.
Half of people also want their salads to be “loaded” with toppings, such as fruit and roasted vegetables.
There are different perceptions of salad depending on the age of participants too.
Apparently, Gen Zs reckon salad should be a main dish (56%) while all other generations consider it a side.
We definitely commend those having 4 salads a week, but we are curious where they found the participants.