The man tried to return almost 5,000 rolls of toilet paper.
A supermarket boss has given a blunt response to a customer who tried to return almost 5000 rolls of toilet paper and 150 bottles of hand sanitiser after he couldn’t sell them online.
John-Paul Drake, an executive with South Australian supermarket chain Drakes, said he refused to given the man a refund, news.com.au reports. In a video uploaded to YouTube, Mr Drake blasted the panic buying of toilet paper and other essentials seen recently in the country.
“I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one-litre sanitiser.”
Mr Drake said the man had come into the store to get his money back after eBay refused to allow him to sell the items online.
In the video, Mr Drake then showed his middle finger and said that was his reply to the customer’s request.
“I told him that, that is the sort of person who is causing the problem in the whole country.”