Can't afford to heat your house? Have you tried jumping jacks?

By now we're all aware of the crisis brewing when it comes to household bills.
With the price of gas, oil and other fossil fuels continuing to increase, many have found it difficult to cope with the ever increasing cost of living, not just in Ireland, but in the UK and other parts of the world too.
That's why one of Britain's biggest energy companies has apologised after it advised customers to do star jumps, cuddle pets and eat porridge to stay warm.
Why didn't we think of that?!
SSE gave the tips in a blog post, which was sent to customers.
This screen grab from the blog post was reported in an article by the BBC.
OVO Energy, says it's 'embarrassed' and says it understands 'how difficult' the situation will be for many, due to the rising cost of wholesale gas.
A spokesperson for SSE said:
“SSE sold its (UK) domestic retail business to OVO Energy two years ago. To ease the transition for their customers, OVO continues to trade under the SSE brand whilst they move all SSE Energy Services customers to OVO.”