So turns out we've been eating...


So turns out we've been eating pineapples the wrong way

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:51 8 Mar 2019

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The pineapple game has been changed forever.

In what may be the only non pizza related pineapple story of the last decade, it seems that all of us have been eating the juicy fruit all wrong!

A social media user has just revealed there's actually a 'correct' way to eat the yellow delight, and you don't even require a knife to do so.

That's right, there's no need to endanger your fingers every time you want some pineapple.

Instead, you can just tear it into perfect little pieces with your bare hands.

See below for proof:

A man named Lewis McCluskey shared the video on Twitter after discovering it.

He wrote: "I'm sorry but what the actual f***."

And understandably it's gone viral after astonished twitter users gave it 44,000 retweets and 138,000 likes.

"My mind blown at this point," said one person.

Another commented: "It's crazy we been doing s*** the wrong way for like 50 years and then out of nowhere Twitter making us feel like idiots."

A third added: "Twitter and Instagram teach me more than I ever learned in school."

However there were some who couldn't believe this wasn't already common knowledge.

One user even kindly explained why eating it this way works so well.

They wrote: "You can do this because pineapples are actually berries. As the fruit grows the individual berries coalesce together.

"Each 'eye' is a single individual berry. They may seem fused together, but if you start from the top, you can pluck each eye one by one."

Well we certainly didn't know about this! The pineapple game has changed forever.

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