Study finds 1 in 5 people shar...


Study finds 1 in 5 people share food with their pet at the dinner table

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:22 10 Nov 2021

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That's just nasty!

We all have a strong connections to our pets and share some of life luxuries, but has it gone too far?

A new study has shown that 22%of people share food at the dinner table with their pets.

Shockingly, it also claims 1 in 20 adults will take a bath with their furry companion.

Researchers surveyed 2,000 adults with a cat or dog also finds “kisses” are basically a requirement when it comes to owning a pet.

The study which was commissioned by Vileda and conducted by OnePoll, also claims many pet owners realize owning a cat or dog can be a dirty job.

The average respondent spends 44 minutes a week cleaning up after a pet.

This includes vacuuming, mopping floors, and treating their pets for fleas.

Top 10 unhygienic things pet cats and dogs do:

  1. Sit on the sofa
  2. Sniff their owner
  3. Roll in the grass
  4. Sleep in their owner’s bed
  5. Kiss their owner/let their owner kiss them
  6. Vomit on the floor
  7. Walk mud around the house after a walk/being outside with dirty paws
  8. Bring in things from outside such as dirt
  9. Lick their owner’s face
  10. Cuddle up with their owner’s children

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