If you can't resist an episode of your favourite show before bed, there's good news for you

Forget what you've heard, screen time before bed CAN actually help you sleep, according to a new study.
American research shows watching TV can help actually people unwind before hitting the sack.
But beware, it doesn't count if you're trying to multi-task - scrolling on social media or texting while a show plays in the background has actually been found to have the opposite effect.
Researchers found concentrating on TV helps people relax, as long as the duration is short.
The study was carried out by the University of Delaware, where they researchers asked 58 people to keep a three-day diary of their media use.
They noted down exactly what they watched or listened to, for how long, and where.
Everyone taking part slept with a small device attached to their foreheads to measure brain activity, allowed scientists to record data on the quality and length of their sleep.
They found those who spent an hour or less in bed looking at screens before sleeping, generally fell asleep earlier and slept for longer.