Scon or Scone?
We think we know which is the more popular pronunciation of the word 'scone', but we wouldn't wanna offend anyone and assume.
But from a random Reddit source, we have some very loose proof that one way is superior - at least here in Ireland.
Some people say 'scone' - with it rhyming with 'cone'.
While others might say it more like 'scon' - like the word 'gone'.
Well Reddit user @bezzleford has posted 'The Great Scone map of the United Kngdom and Ireland'.
We don't know where they've gotten it from, what kind of research went into it if any, but we're feeling it's mostly accurate?
Have a look for yourself at the map which has resurfaced on Reddit recently:

It appears that saying 'scon' is more popular up north, and in the UK as a whole.
While the south, and the west of Ireland, and only a small portion of the UK say 'scone' (like cone).
Whether you say one or the other is totally up to you - but we're totally confused by certain people in the comments section.
One person said, "I've never settled on a pronunciation, I use either or."
Sorry, what!? There are people out there who just go random with it?
Yep, apparently, as another said, "I'm the same. I've probably used both in the same sentence without realising".
We're baffled...