Hold the presses! Someone alert the President!
The cracking of the human genome, Einstein's theory of relativity, Newton's discovery of gravity. Science has given us some pretty cool things!
And the latest cutting edge discovery... Cheese tastes better after being exposed to hip hop music.
Science can go no further people! This is the peak.
Yes, in news you didn't need to know, a group of researchers from Switzerland have found that playing different genres of music inside the crates of aging cheese can "significantly" alter its taste.
The scientists discovered this by placing nine wheels of Emmental cheese inside individual wooden crates bugged with speaker systems playing Hip Hop, Techno, Classical, Rock n Roll, and 'Dark Ambience'.
Over the six month long experiment, five of the cheeses were exposed to their respective genre of music on a 24 hour loop. Three of the cheeses were exposed to sound waves of different frequencies. And the final cheese was left alone in the quiet, with its own thoughts.
A blind taste test eight months later revealed that it was the Hip Hop cheese, exposed to A Tribe Called Quest's 'Jazz (We've Got)', that was the tastiest.
Apparently it was “remarkably fruity, both in smell and taste, and significantly different from the other samples,” one of the researchers told Swissinfo.
According to those involved in the study, the tastes of the cheese exposed to music were measurable differently than the those exposed only to the traditional aging process.
As for the techno cheese, we've heard reports that it's currently en route to Ibiza on a one way flight.
While the Dark Ambience cheese has just completed it's memoir titled: Holes in my heart: The life of a piece of swiss cheese.
Is there more important things scientists can be doing? Yes.
But are we going to blast Jay Z into our fridge when we get home? Also yes.