Scientists have revealed the a...


Scientists have revealed the age when people become fully 'adult'

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:29 19 Mar 2019

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Apparently you're not an adult until you reach your 30s.

Ever been told to act your adult in your 20s? Well if you have, you now have the perfect comeback which is: 'well i'm not an adult yet.'

And you'll have a group of brain scientists to thank for that, after they released findings which suggest people don't become fully "adult" until they're in their 30s.

Currently the law in Ireland says you become a mature adult when you reach the age of 18.

The study looked at the brain and nervous system of a number of people and it was found that the age at which you become an adult is different for everyone.

Research suggests people aged 18 are still going through changes in the brain which can affect behaviour and make them more likely to develop mental health disorders.

Professor Peter Jones, from Cambridge University, said: "What we're really saying is that to have a definition of when you move from childhood to adulthood looks increasingly absurd.

"It's a much more nuanced transition that takes place over three decades."

He added: "I guess systems like the education system, the health system and the legal system make it convenient for themselves by having definitions."

However Professor Jones says he believes experienced criminal judges recognise the difference between a 19-year-old defendant and a "hardened criminal" in their late 30s.

"I think the system is adapting to what's hiding in plain sight, that people don't like (the idea of) a caterpillar turning into a butterfly," he said.

"There isn't a childhood and then an adulthood. People are on a pathway, they're on a trajectory."

Prof Jones is one of a number of experts who are taking part in a neuroscience meeting hosted by the Academy of Medical Sciences in Oxford.

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