If you play rugby, it'd be no harm sticking up a pic.
Online dating apps are all about photos and bio, at first.
When you're swiping, you're basing your opinion of the person solely on the pics they've chosen, and what they've decided to share in their bio.
And a study has found that by putting in something sports-related, you increase your chances of a right swipe.
New research from sponsorship agency, Legacy Communications, also found that one sport tops all others as the 'sexiest'.
And it's rugby.

Surprisingly, GAA only featured at number three, with it being bet by soccer/football.
Also in the top five were athletics and basketball, followed by MMA at number six.
Shireen McDonagh, Head of Sponsorship and Brand at Legacy Communications explained how it worked:
“To gather the data Legacy used photos from the same model (@cameronpauldodge) in identical order to swipe right on 200 profiles over a two-day period each time.”
“They then combined the success rate for these swipes with the number of messages each profile received – and the number of likes each profile received,” McDonagh continued.
Legacy’s fictional profile, who went by Jack aged 26, had no other details on his account except for his age, name, and which sport he played as his occupation.
The rest of his bio and other details were left blank to get the most accurate set of results.
Boxing came out as the least sexy sport at number 10.
However, boxing did come in fourth place in terms of profiles that received the most messages.
The full table is below: