January 2nd has even been dubbed National Baby Making Day over in the UK.
Have you ever noticed that a lot of people have their birthday in late September and early October?
Well it's no coincidence according to data analysed from the UK government's live births database.
The research has found that there's one period each year when the most babies are born and that's late September to early October.
And if you backtrack from that date by the average length of a pregnancy, you get today today - January 2nd.
Of the 2,139 people ChannelMum.com surveyed, 71 percent confessed that shortly after 10:30pm (10:36pm) is the most common time for them to strip off under the sheets with their partner.
The study also found that men and women are becoming increasingly willing to go to any lengths necessary in order to conceive.
Speaking to the Daily Star, ChannelMum founder, Siobhan Freegard, said: "Falling pregnant isn't always easy so couples who have been trying a while will attempt almost anything to help.
"While there isn't much medical science to back up these tips, our members swear they have all helped and we have hundreds of bouncing new babies to prove it."
She added: "As long as you have fun trying, it's always worth giving it a go."
According to the CSO, 191 babies are born in Ireland on the 1st of October on average each year, making it the most popular birth date of all.