Germany to Mexico flight was d...


Germany to Mexico flight was diverted to Shannon Airport after pilot spilt coffee in cockpit

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:45 12 Sep 2019

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It's estimated the diversion cost the airline close to €90,000.

Spilling a cup of coffee is never a good feeling. Whether its in your lap, over the table or on the floor, it always causes a bit of commotion.

So spare a thought for this pilot who spilt a cup of coffee over the cockpit while the plane was mid flight - and cost his airline close to €90,000 in the process.

It's now emerged that a plane was forced to divert to Shannon Airport after a rouge hot beverage damaged an audio control panel, causing an electrical burning smell and smoke.

The incident happened on February 6 and resulted in the Airbus A330 flight from Frankfurt in Germany to Cancun in Mexico being diverted.

The report found the 49-year-old captain had put his coffee cup on a tray table – where objects are “vulnerable to being knocked over” – despite Airbus recommending pilots use the cup holders provided.

Condor responded to the accident by ensuring cup lids are provided on all flights, reminding pilots to be careful with liquids and supplying cups that are an appropriate size for cup holders.

The airline Condor says it now ensures cup lids are provided on all flights.

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