People with this astrological...


People with this astrological sign are most likely to become billionaires

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

08:37 4 Apr 2019

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It's written in the stars...

A new study's discovered which astrological sign is more likely to become a billionaire.

UK Domain figured out the most common star sign among the world's richest people by analysing Forbes' latest Billionaires list.

According to The Sun, they examined the birth date of each of the 250 people on the list and found that Libra came out on top.

Image Credit: Christine Hirlehey via Pixabay

Librans (September 23rd to October 22nd) are known for being diplomatic, social and charming.

Billionaires with this sign include fashion designer Ralph Lauren, Walmart heiress Alice Walton and Beate Heister, the daughter of Aldi founder Karl Albrecht.

In second place is Pisces. Some of the world's richest people with this sensitive sign include Dell founder Michael Dell and Nike co-founder Phil Knight.

In third spot is Cancer, Taurus and Leo. A famous Cancer billionaire is Elon Musk while Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is a Taurus.

Check out the full list below.

Libra - 27 billionaires
Pisces - 22 billionaires
Cancer - 20 billionaires
Taurus - 20 billionaires
Leo - 20 billionaires
Scorpio - 16 billionaires
Gemini - 15 billionaires
Aries - 15 billionaires
Aquarius - 12 billionaires
Virgo - 11 billionaires
Sagittarius - 8 billionaires
Capricorn - 8 billionaires


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Astrology Billionaire Forbes Horoscopes Libra Money Star Sign Zodiac