You can now buy jeans with fak...


You can now buy jeans with fake pee stains

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

06:20 15 Jun 2021

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Respect the drip Karen!

It might seem like an unusual fashion trend and one you might hope won't stick around, but it's not going anywhere according to its creators.

You can now buy a pair of jeans that comes with fake pee stains.

Wet Pants Denim are the creators of the jeans that come 'pre-soiled'.

Each pair of jeans cost $75 (€61.88) but if you think that is a little overpriced you can provide your own.

Yes! If you don't want to pay full price the company will stain a pair of jeans that you already own.

So what is the purpose of this?

There are two key issues with the traditional urinary incontinence aesthetic according to the creators:

  1. Wearing wet pants is uncomfortable

  2. When the wet mark dries or the garment is washed, the stain is almost always gone for good

According to the website:

"Wet Pants Denim was created to produce jeans that solve both of these issues. 

As such, we are providing comfort and permanence to a market that is completely overlooked by traditional fashion houses."

They also claim that the trend has been a big hit with influencers and celebrities saying:

"Celebrities, influencers and everyday individuals alike are feigning incontinence in search of the "wet pants" look.

 Here at Wet Pants Denim, we're delivering an identical style without the need to feel uncomfortable.

Our jeans are individually procured for each order and hand-dyed, ensuring that every pair is one-of-a-kind."


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