Baby given 'free entry for lif...


Baby given 'free entry for life' to nightclub after mother gave birth on dance floor

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:55 12 Nov 2019

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"The young woman didn't seem too panicked but she was worried. Then the baby came out."

The middle of a packed dance floor in a loud nightclub probably isn't how most expectant mothers plan on welcoming their baby into the world.

But that's exactly what happened in the French city of Toulouse, when an unnamed 19-year-old woman went into labour on Monday morning at 5.30am.

As reported by local media, the club's staff helped the lady to give birth and stay calm in what could have been a pretty dangerous situation.

Speaking to La Depeche, club manager Marie-Helene said: "It was 5.30am, the club was just closing, There wasn't a lot of people left in the place and one of my members of staff cam over to me and said 'it's urgent'.

"I could see that the woman was about to give birth. But we had to act quickly. A member of staff called the emergency medical line who talked us through what we had to do.

"The young woman didn't seem woo panicked but she was worried. Then the baby came out."

"It's one of the more bizarre closings we've had. My team worked together. We all cried. The positive thing to come out of all of this is that none of us panicked and weren't scared. Anyway, we got it done."

You may be wondering what exactly a heavily pregnant woman was doing a nightclub at 5am.

Marie-Helene explained: "One of her [the young woman's] friends suggested coming to O'Club to cheer her up because she was having some personal problems. She wasn't drinking."

"She was one of the last people to leave because she couldn't walk."

Once could assume she was having trouble walking due to the labour and whatnot... 

The club then thought it was only fair that given it was his legal place of birth, that the baby gets free entry to the O'Club for life - presumably for when it's old enough to at least walk.

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