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Reddit is that place on the internet where random stuff gets posted and weird questions get weirder answers.
But when we came across this content, we just had to see what people made of it.
A user by the name u/exiled360, has created an interesting map of Europe.
They've decided to place little icons on each country which represents what they reckon the "national dish" is.

And then the people of the internet reacted to it, to see how accurate it was.
Let's address Ireland's co-called "national dish".
Apparently it's a big 'ole breakfast roll.
There was one discussion in the comments from Irish people, and the argument was whether it was from Centra, Londis or Spar.
So it seems people didn't disagree, the main discussion was about where you bought the breakfast roll!
Although some people did suggest maybe the meal should've been a stew.
While some others said maybe it could be Tayto sandwich.