You can get paid €58 an hour t...


You can get paid €58 an hour to clean for this company, but you have to be naked

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:35 9 Jan 2020

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Thankfully there's a look but don't touch policy.

A Liverpool cleaning company is advertising for cleaners to join them with the potential to earn £50 (€58) per hour - but they must be naked while doing the job.

The Naked Cleaning Company has a “look, but don’t touch” policy and all potential applicants must be comfortable scrubbing and cleaning while fully nude or topless.

The company already has 2,500 customers and plenty more wanting to join according to founder and director Nikki Belton.

“We’re a national company and since the business was launched on Friday, it’s gone massive,” she told Liverpool Echo.

“There is a niche market in the UK for naked cleaning and I just thought it was something different.”

The advert states it is looking for 'confident, professional and hardworking cleaners' to join its 'amazing team'.

Both men and women can apply for the job, which will involve scrubbing the floor in their birthday suits.

Users must book for a minimum of two hours and can only observe the cleaning from afar.

Would you be up for it? You can check out the company's website here.

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