Looking for that special gift to send to someone in isolation? We think we have you sorted.
Mary Winchenbach an artist from Maine,USA created MooseTirds.com to share and sell her "novelty artworks" that she makes from moose poop.

Mary and her friend Deb's make everything from "Poo Poo Clocks" to "Moose Tird Earrings".
Writing on their website :“We do our best to be kind to people, animals and the environment every day,” they note on the website. “We create fun pun products made with moose poop. We are currently incorporating new products with exotic tirds (sp) so keep checking in! … #WEGIVEACRAP!”
Winchenbach told Mother Nature :“All my turds are right on there with the prices, and click on ’em. They can let me know what they need for turds. I ship s— everywhere,”