Apparently it smells like, "who are you again?"
It's a long held notion that being the middle child is the worst, never being as 'grown up' as your older sibling...
While never being spoiled quite like the 'precious' youngest child.
You're quite literally stuck in the middle, getting overlooked at every possible twist and turn.
And sometimes you just feel plain invisible, and now there's a candle for that.
The 'Middle Child Largely Invisible Scented Candle - Smells Like Who are You Again?' is now selling from Always Fits and it's the perfect gift for any jaded middle kid out there.
The candle emits a pleasant purple grape scent, and the colour has a specific meaning with a threat to: "Go ahead and dye your hair purple, no one will notice," brazened on the label.
This is how the product is described:
"Who are you again?"
"The only thing worse than being unnoticed is still being unnoticed when your hair is neon pink and you dress like you're in the Matrix.
"Um, hello? Being the first child ain't all that. The only people who think so are #1. my older siblings and #2. my dumb parents.
''And I haven't even gotten to the part about the (cry)baby of the family. Oy."
Obviously the candle has gone down extremely well among middle children as it's currently sold out.
We can only hope that it's back on the shelves soon, in a world full of older and younger siblings this candle represents hope for so many.
You can check it out here.