But its better news for lads.
The fairy tale wedding? The happily ever after? It's all a load of s***e according to a recent study into the affects of love and relationships on individuals.
Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioural science at the London School of Economics, has caused a stir with his new book Happy Ever After, which claims that while marriage is pretty great for men, it's lousy for women.
Speaking to the The Guardian Prof. Dolan said: "We do have some good longitudinal data following the same people over time, but I am going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you’re a man, you should probably get married; if you’re a woman, don’t bother.
"[Men calm down], take less risks, earn more money at work, and live a little longer.
''[Women], on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married. The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children."
Quality vindication for anyone who was planning a single life all along!
But what about those already in a marriage? Here's what Prof. Dolan had to say specifically about them:
"Married people are happier than other population subgroups, but only when their spouse is in the room when they’re asked how happy they are. When the spouse is not present: f*****g miserable."
In summary, lads, when proposing to your significant other you'd better make sure that diamond is at least the size of a small vehicle.