Man was hospitalised after sni...


Man was hospitalised after sniffing his own socks

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:17 27 Mar 2019

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Talk about airing your dirty laundry!

A man from Zhangzhou in southeast China was sent to hospital late last year after he smelled his own socks for too long.

The 37-year-old father known identified locally as only Peng, began to feel chest pains after he'd finished a session of smelling of sock smelling.

After showing up at a hospital he was admitted as an emergency case, and given an X-ray to determine the cause of his pain, as well as an accompanying cough that he'd developed.

He was diagnosed with a fungal infection of the lungs, and kept in hospital for treatment, while doctors determined the somewhat unusual cause.

Medics came to the conclusion that a fungal infection he'd developed on his feet was transferred to his lungs when he sniffed the socks.

According to reports in local newspaper Fujian Daily, the man told doctors that he had become "addicted" to smelling the socks he'd worn during the day.

"The infection could also be attributed to the patient's lack of rest at home as he had been looking after his child, leading to a weaker immune system," Dr Mai Zhuanying at the Zhangzhou No. 909 Hospital told Fujian Daily.

Moral of the story? Well that's pretty simple...don't be like Peng.

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