The rare few.
According to, only around 10-12% of the world's population is left-handed.
So, if you're a leftie, you're really quite rare.
And hey, Barack Obama is left-handed, so you're in good company.
The figure is averaged from studies undertaken in North America and Western Europe.
According to, in some cases, researchers have found that lefties are less prone to develop certain health conditions, including lower rates of ulcers and arthritis.

If you can write with both hands, you're then extremely rare.
Less than 1% of the world is ambidextrous - that means you can easily use both the left and right hand.
While an even lower number is ambilevous (finds using both hands equally awkward).
We found another source that found that the amount of left-handed people in the world has been increasing over the years.
It's thought that historically, some people who were left-handed were forced to switch and learn to be right-handed.
And naturally, this kind of behaviour is no longer happening.
Results were taken from a large study by Gilbert and Wysocki (Hand Preference and Age in the United States, 1992) which included over 1 million people.
It found that in 1860, only 2% of the population were left-handed, which increased to 10% by 1940, and it now sits closer to 12%.
Good news for those left-handed people out there though, you actually have a day dedicated to you all.
August 13 is Left-Handers' Day, as bbc say it's "a day for left-handed people to forget about the right-handed world they live in."