They just disappear right!?
Ever make a cup of tea, head to the press and find you've no teaspoon...
You wanted to give it a good stir but alas now you resort to a tablespoon? a fork?
So why does this happen - why is there sometimes a shortage of teaspoons?
Well, one research team wanted to find out so they did a study: Where do all the teaspoons go?
At the Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health in Melbourne, the teaspoons kept vanishing.
So director Margaret Hellard ran a study to monitor the teaspoons, according to
It was published under the title:
The researchers calculated the rate of spoon disappearance.
According to their research, spoons have a half-life of 81 days, so they reckon 360 spoons vanish every 100 teaspoon-years.
As to why they disappear, they're still not quite sure.
While they interviewed employees, they gave them a chance to admit to spoon stealing, but it didn't account for such a high rate of disappearance.
So what was the conclusion?
"People have no control over teaspoon migration; escape to a spoonoid planet and resistentialism are equally plausible explanations."