A teenage girl quickly regretted her choice to let her dad take over her social media.
When a 15-year-old girl was grounded by her parents for trying to sneak boys into a sleepover party, she had two choices...
- A month with no phone at all.
- Two weeks without a phone, but her dad, Larry, gets to have control over her social media accounts.
She chose the latter, and we can only imagine the high school student from Texas almost instantly regretted it after her dad quickly went viral.
The punishment has seen Madelynn's dad post selfies on Instagram with the caption 'felt cute, might delete later' and a dance on TikTok wearing a crop top and jean shorts.
But it's not all bad news for the embarrassed teen, given her social media accounts surge in popularity with fans desperate to keep up with Larry's antics.
Mum Tawnya told Today: "After the first day, Madelynn was like ‘I changed my mind, I choose the one month'.
"Larry told her, ‘No, I’m too invested. I have too many ideas. We’re sticking with the two weeks'.
"He’s loving it. I think he's gonna make his own TikTok account when this over."
The dad has even become popular with his daughter's classmates, who regularly check for his Snapchat updates.
As the punishment for the sleepover began, the 43-year-old posted a photo of his daughter studying in her bedroom with the caption: "This is Maddi. Maddi got herself grounded.
"She had a choice of no phone for a month or no phone for 2 weeks and we have FULL control of her social media.
"She chose 2 weeks. So be on the look out for some amazing instagram posts, snap chats and Tiktoks from her parents!!"
He's won a legion of fans on social media, with other parents vowing to use the same punishment on their own kids.
"Let me tell you sir, you are a genius. Love the idea," said one.
Another replied: "I love your dad, all the way from the Netherlands!! He needs an Instagram account of his own!"