This might be taking the lie too far.

You can blame the dog for a lot of things like eating your homework or digging up your garden. But when do you know you've taken that white lie a little too far?
One man landed himself in hot water after blaming the dog for his smelly farts.
His wife admitted to the popular 'Am I The Asshole' thread on Reddit that she had forked out thousands on vet bills thinking her dog had a problem with his tummy after persistent smelly farting.
In a since-deleted post, she explained that she was pregnant at the time and she and her husband often felt sick because of smells that she believed were coming from the dog.
She wrote:
"We have this dog, Jerry. He is an adorable sweetheart. He has such a sweet and gentle disposition and he doesn't have an unkind bone in his body. I love him dearly."
"A month ago, my husband, Jerry and I were eating dinner when suddenly I smelled something really disgusting. My husband instantly made a face so I knew it wasn't just me."

She continued that:
"I couldn't stand the smell and left the room. Later in bed, my husband told me the dog farted."
"It honestly smelled a little like rotten eggs. I thought it was a one-off because the dog does fart (as do we) but a fart this stinky isn't normal."
She added that she tried things like lighting incense and candles to help mask the rotten smell but nothing would do the trick.
She then became concerned and brought her beloved pooch Jerry to the vets to try figure out the problem. The vet asked her to try switching up her dog's diet but that didn't help.
She explains:
"I was losing my mind and my husband still kept his mouth shut. The vet was extremely confused and ordered a bunch of tests that cost a lot.
"All the tests showed that the dog was fine. I'm losing my mind here. My anxiety started kicking in - what if there's something wrong with him? What if we lose him? I'm so stressed out."

It was only when she started to get upset that her husband decided to finally confess. Needless to say, it didn't go down too well:
"I lost it. I kicked him out of the house."
"To be clear, I didn't mind he lied in the moment but he knew we were going to the vet, the vet was confused.
"He even went to the vet appointment with me. It takes him a full-on panic attack and mental breakdown to say the truth?"
The wife says she eventually cooled off and let him back in the house. However, she told him to visit a doctor for his problem and demanded that he pay her back at least half of the vet bills.