What was he thinking?

We get it, some people are really uncomfortable with grief - but this is absolutely the wrong way to handle a situation.
People have been left shocked by a Reddit post which detailed how a woman's husband made her 'guess who' died after her younger brother was killed in a motorcycle accident.
"I lost my brother in a motorcycle accident 3 weeks ago at the age of 21. This was sudden and devastating beyond measure. I live 3 towns away from my entire family and I didn't know about it right away" she begins.
The poster goes on to say that her phone had been left charging and on silent as family members tried to contact her about the sudden death.
Finally (and unfortunately) it was her husband who got hold of her.
"I answered and he asked why I didn't answer my sister's calls. I asked why and whether she called him. He said yes then proceeded to tell me he recieved the news of a family members death from her."
At this point, the shock was starting to hit and all she wanted was to know who in the family had died.
"I was shaking at this point while I was waiting for him to tell me more but he said "guess who!". I angerily told him to stop it and tell me but he still thought it's fine to ask me to guess that's when I lost it on him because my nerves were done."
After hanging up it was her sister who broke the news.
Understandably, the husband was promptly excluded from the funeral and the pair haven't spoken in the three weeks since the original post was uploaded.
It was posted on the Subreddit called 'Am I the A**hole' - needless to say, all the blame lay firmly on the tone-deaf husband.