An Irish bar is looking for a...


An Irish bar is looking for a 'full-time snowflake' to join its staff

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:06 26 Nov 2019

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The ideal candidate must be "self-entitled" and "over sensitive".

Oscars Cafe and Bar, in Dublin has posted a tongue in cheek job seeking advert to Facebook in search of someone who is "self-entitled" and "over sensitive".

In the sarcastic job description, the bar states that whoever applies for the position must be able to "take offence from the most innocuous things imaginable".

Other 'key skills' required include:

• Maximum of 5 years' Millennial Experience
• Absolutely no resilience whatsoever
• No willingness to consider controversial or opposing views
• Over confidence and naive ambitions
• Self-righteousness and indignation

They also say they expect the candidate to possess reasonable typing skills, including "copious commenting on social media as well as writing strongly worded letters about all and anything that upset you, and your likeminded outraged social friends".

While "a hostile attitude to free speech" is expected along with "the ability to quench and belittle other people’s views".

They also state that having good communication skills isn't necessary because "your emotions will take precedent over all discussions".

This could be a good time to mention that we actually have no idea whatsoever if the bar is actually needs a new staff member or not...

But if you want to learn more you can check out the advert, here.

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