Female Storm Names Could Be Ba...


Female Storm Names Could Be Banned By The Met Office

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:38 8 Apr 2019

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The UK Met Office is investigating whether storms with female names are taken less seriously by people than male ones.

Storms may no longer have female names, as studies conducted in the US have shown that people are less cautious than when the storm is given a  male names.

Met Eireann's UK counterpart is looking into whether there's a link between storms with a female name and a higher death toll. They will examine the “potential difference in public perception and response” to male and female named storms.

For the past four years, Met Eireann has teamed up with the UK Met Office to name the storms that would affect both regions.

Storm Charlie versus Eloise

A study carried out has shown that of the 47 most damaging hurricanes, hurricanes which were given female names had an average of 45 deaths versus 23 deaths for hurricanes with male names.



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