"The Fart Pill is the result of lengthy research and trials''.
Back in lets say...2006, what did you imagine 2019 would be like? Super mega fast lighting internet? Hover boards? Interactive TVs?
Unfortunately none of those things have come to be... BUT we do have fart pills.
Pills that'll apparently make your farts smell like roses. So, that's good? We guess...
Christian Poincheval is the man behind the invention, which have apparently been on sale for 12 years.

They're available for purchase from website Pilulepet which is selling 60 anti-stink capsules for around €19.90.
The website claims: "The Fart Pill is the result of lengthy research and trials and is on sale since 2007.
“Our fragrant variants also add a touch of humour for any occasion.
"Our numerous returning customers are no doubt the best proof (they work).”
The Frenchman says the natural pill can transform the flatulence of any human – and it works on dogs too. They come in a variety of aromas too, including chocolate, floral, May Day lily, violets and ginger.
The website adds: “Rest assured (the postman) will not know. “Your order will ship in plain packaging with no markings that are directly related to this website.”
Well we guess this would be the perfect gift for that person who thinks their ... doesn't stink.