We've all heard the fast food horror stories that make your stomach churn... from chicken heads to rats and even fly eggs, the list of gross invaders in people's food goes on.
But this may be the strangest one we've ever heard of.

Fast food fan Eve Saint was utterly perplexed to find a door handle in her nachos.
Yes, a door handle.
Suffice to say, she was incensed. She posted a picture of the offending door-furniture on Facebook, writing “Taco Bell, I’m coming to f*** someone up. Real funny putting a f***ing door-known in my nachos, b****!
Some people commenting on Eve’s post said that the photo looked fake, but Eve countered that she’d waited in “the drive-through for 45 mins and I’m the only one who got a door knob.”
Eve, of Fishkill, New York, later speculated that the knob might have been part of the machine in the kitchen that was used to assemble the tacos.