Welcome to parenting in 2020.
All parents have experienced this moment...you walk into your bundle of joy's room to see how they're getting on, only to be greeted with a smell the likes of which is hard to put into words.
But now, thanks to this being 2020 and our friend technology, you can at least be prepared for the smell of a dirty nappy before you even enter the room.
That's because a new device from a company called Pampers can now actually tell you when your little one has a dirty diaper or when they need a feeding.
Lumi by Pampers is an electronic sensor system that includes a WiFi and is connected to a night vision video camera that also monitors a room’s temperature and humidity.
The works by pairing a sensor with a Logitech monitor and app for your smartphone.
Then once set up parents can keep track of things like dirty nappy's and sleep, log feedings, and just help set up a routine that works for the baby and the rest of the family.
According to Pampers, Lumi is:
''The world’s first all-in-one connected care system that helps parents track day-to-day developments, and monitor their baby, 24/7, so they can see emerging patterns and establish a suitable routine.
''See your baby, their sleep, feeding and diaper activity, and the room temperature and humidity at a glance. You’ll know if baby is comfortable or if they might need feeding or changing soon.''
The Lumi app was developed in conjunction with pediatricians and also provides personalized insights on development for babies, sharing how your baby is growing each week, including the ten mental development leap.
The Lumi device itself is suitable up to 1 year of age, however app and monitor continue to work past that age.