But there was no difference found for women.
A team of researchers is claiming that Men with a deep voice are more likely to cheat on their partners.
The study claims that "vocal characteristics predict infidelity intention and relationship commitment in men but not in women".
To reach these conclusions, Chinese scientists measured the pitch of voices of young men and women, then asked about their attitudes towards commitment.
They say they struggled to find any strong correlation between female voices and how they behave in a relationship.
However, they concluded that men who sound more masculine are "more likely to engage in infidelity and commit less to their romantic relationships compared with feminine men".
The scientists also think there's a greater chance men with higher levels of testosterone will be less romantic.
A total of 116 men and 145 women paritcipated.
The researchers noted: "Of course, several limitations to this study should be considered.
"First, the participants were university students with a narrow age range, the durations of their relationships were relatively short, and their mating dynamics and concept of marriage vary considerably from later adulthood.
"Future work should replicate these results across different populations.
"Second, we mainly discuss the study based on research conducted in western cultures, because few studies have examined vocal characteristics based on Chinese participants."
This full study can be read online in the Personality and Individual Differences journal.