Cats - ya just couldn't trust them

Anyone who owns a cat knows that they answer to no one but themselves. You live in their house and are simply their servants.
And should that kitty decide one day to wander off and go on a sabbatical, you just have to accept it and move on.
Accept it and move on is exactly what a couple in Scotland had done - for a whole decade.
Neil and Lucy Henderson say they assumed the worst when their beloved feline Forbes up and disappeared in 2011.
They searched and searched but Forbes was nowhere to be seen.
So the Hendersons moved on with their lives and the years ticked on by.
A decade later Forbes turned up looking thin and a little worse for wear in Aberdeen.
Animal rescue officers found he was microchipped and he was reunited with his loving owners.
The couple say they have no way of knowing where he's been all this time.