Too scared to tell someone you...


Too scared to tell someone your honest opinion? Try writing it on a cake

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:13 30 Jul 2022

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Malteasers want to you release your dark side

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A poll of 2,000 adults found a whopping 83 per cent regularly avoid expressing opinions.

These include:

“I don’t want to see any more pictures of your dog”

“eat with your mouth closed”

“why haven’t you messaged me back?”

But despite this, 57 per cent believe the world would be a better place if people told others what they really think.

Although 73 per cent admit the occasions when they have revealed their honest views have left them riddled with anxiety.

To help you to say what you really think - Dark Malteasers have launched 'confession cakes'.

You can write in icing what you want to get off your chest on the 'confession cakes' at the 'Honesty Baked In' bakery. 

The bakery is open in Londer on August 3rd.

The limited-edition treats will feature iced messages of thoughts many would love to say out loud, such as “I’ve got the ick”, “I’m not busy, I just don’t want to come”, and “I borrowed your clothes without asking.”

A spokesperson for Dark Maltesers said: “Being an honest person is of course considered to be the right way to be.

“But in practice, it can be harder than you think – so to make sharing your opinions a little easier we’ve come up with ‘confession cakes.’

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Confession Cake Confessions Malteasers