Only one in twenty yoghurts fo...


Only one in twenty yoghurts for children contain healthy levels of sugar

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:12 19 Aug 2021

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The research was carried out by a charity based in the UK. 


Only one in twenty children's yoghurts claim to have healthy levels of sugar.

Action On Sugar found some yoghurts in supermarkets contained up to 22 grams of sugar.

That's the equivalent of five and a half teaspoons of sugar, or even 16 biscuits.

100 products were tested that are found on supermarket shelves.

The study found more than half of these had a third or more of a child's maximum daily intake.

Dietician Sarah Keogh says the results and the study are extreme.

"Usually what people are picking up are the dessert type yoghurts," she says about the research.

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Sugar Yoghurt