What does your car say about you? Take the quiz below!
Do you take pride in your car, and does it have a personality of its own?
Or maybe it just reflects your own personality.... and that is what a lot of people think.
A poll found half of drivers reckon their car choice represents who they are as a person.
2,000 motorists were polled and of those surveyed, 20% think their vehicle says more about them than their job.
Whil 18% think it's most reflective of their personality that their dress sense.
Here's what some of the following car types says about your personality.
SUVs are the most family orientated, with three in five claiming to ‘always’ put their loved ones first.
Half of hatchback drivers believe they are loyal and reliable.
And 41 per cent of those who own a station wagon proudly declare they are organised.
A quarter of people have actually bought a car which better matched their personality, instead of going for something more practical.
The research was commissioned by Your Red Car, the online auto marketplace powered by Santander, who also developed a quiz to help drivers reveal their ‘car personality’.
The short quiz tells you what your car personality is, and a line or two explaining.
Take the quiz at visityourredcar.co.uk.