Bride unleashes on husband aft...


Bride unleashes on husband after he punched cabin crew in mid-air clash

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:46 3 Apr 2019

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‘You’ve f****d our honeymoon’.

A newlywed wife screamed “you’ve f****d our honeymoon” at her drunk husband, as he was being ejected from an Easy Jet flight for punching two members of the cabin crew.

Michael Cunnett was thrown off the flight bound for Egypt, after he launched a foul-mouthed homophobic tirade at easyJet crew when they told him he couldn’t smoke on board, reports

He lashed out at the two flight attendants before being carted off the plane by police as his wife shouted: “Look what you’ve done.”

The 38-year-old carried on his abuse in the police car, calling an officer a “baldy c***” before knocking himself out by head butting the cage, Lewes Crown Court heard.

Four pints.

Cunnett, a plasterer from Epsom, in the UK was jailed for seven months and ordered to pay £1000.

The court heard he had downed four pints of Stella beer before the 9am flight.

He also used homophobic slurs before striking cabin crew Andre Botha, who he floored with two punches.

'He didn't know my sexuality'.

Another flight attendant, Christopher Bogley, asked Cunnett to calm down, but he was also struck.

The cabin crew members felt intimidated, leaving Mr Botha fearing for his safety and wondering if he may be attacked again.

Mr Bogley, who has worked as a flight attendant, for 12 years, said: “He didn’t know my sexuality, but I am a gay man and proud of it.

“It is not a lifestyle choice, it is natural and no one deserves to be discriminated against for their sexuality.

“Many people struggle with it, and deal with mental health problems on a daily basis. His remarks to me were personal.

“If he travels again, my hope is that he will treat people with respect and acknowledge that he lives in a diverse society which is something that should be embraced, not ridiculed.”

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