Payday Loan Ads For Brexit Food Stockpiling To Be Banned
In the UK, the Advertising Standards Authority has banned ads from a payday loan company encouraging consumers to stockpile food amid Brexit uncertainty.
The ASA slammed Peachy.ie for issuing what it called a 'socially irresponsible' email in January offering loans, playing on the fears of food shortages.
High-interest Peachy defended its campaign, claiming it was a lighthearted campaign, and not playing on people's concerns.
However the ASA upheld its ban.
Brexit Stockpiling Mania
Samantha on twitter shared a photo of her mum's Brexit stockpile saying "Our cupboards are full. Most of my food is locked in mum's room coz she reckons I'll try claw them open ? Mum's got enough food in the house for 3 months+ if Brexit don't happen, shopping next few months will be cheap"
@SamanthaHarrie3 my mum's Brexit stockpile. Our cupboards are full. Most of my food is locked in mum's room coz she reckons I'll try claw them open ?
Mum's got enough food in the house for 3 months+ if Brexit don't happen, shopping next few months will be cheap #brexit999 pic.twitter.com/yuzxEsb5lP
— Rosie McFluff ????? (@McfluffRosie) March 19, 2019